I told you all, I am not good. I don't know how to change size or anything, I will get better!
These are my other new SIGs. I didn't have enough room so yea...These are not working BTW, so tomorraw I will fix them! Bioshock [spoiler]...
Okay, I see that these suck a little, or a lot but these are my first SIGs. Enjoy! Hitman(My Fav, For some reason its not working.)...
Dang, that baby prablobly choked. Thats kinda desperate for a person to rape a 8 day old :I.
My Maps Are... -Blackout/Lockout -Foundry -Avalanche -Empty Foundry(For Swords) -Midship -Assembly -Ghost Town -IDK -IDK -And IDK .
Not random, its a whorrn down factory. Its also alot of cover, and thanks for the first good post though :).
Let me tell you, its sloppy, and its not a dragon. It looks like its dead and sleeping. 2/5 and NO DL. Make it look better!
First off, its suppose to look a little sloppy, and the pics where took in a game, after grenades were poped. Also you spammed, report.
Shipment Chaos By ForgyForge [IMG] Click To Download Somewhere in Antartica, a Shipment was being made. But something went wrong. All of the...
Very funny. That dude is stupid thats annuoncing. YEY I will bookmark.
Hay, how is the SIG comeing? I can't put in on my sig until the 6th though. I hope its good, if your where working on it...
EVERYONE READ...Yes you post your map here, then I DL and see how it goes, then l8er, I post the resaults. Go ahead and post link to bungie.net.
How do I make those little "Hide" and "Show" bars. I need to know, it also says spoiler on them....so how do I.......
Staff, you need to move to "Off-Topic". As for what you said, thats cool. I'll check itt.
Okay sorry, but I think that 10 works. Enjoy, and post plz, you can post your old mapzz to BTW.
Cool I will DL those 3 or maybee just 2 of them, IDK. I like this contest though.
Read the rules and plz look at a tut for pix. I hope you can anywayz, I will edit when pix are there.
You need to Embed the pix instead of them being small and a link. As for the map 4/4 and a DL to try.
The plasmids from bioshock are original. But the Portal Gun is prablably the most original and coolest. Though the portals make no sense on the...