Very sloppy and boring. 2/5 and no DL. I think you need to str8en it up and read forge 101. I hope you make more maps, that are goods though no...
A little too bright. I like these and the Boishck one looks like the one in the SIGs I made. Good Job. 3/5, 4/5, 5/5 on themzz.
Great mapzz. I saw the first one and since I saw a glare of it and saw the the pic. I don't see a big difference. But good job on everyhting...
THIS IS NOT WORKING. MOD CLOSE THIS. I forgot when your warned you can't post a poll. :( sorry!
I don't think so. Those people need to move, unless they REALLY want to stay. That place is Hurricane city, god!
Great SIGs. But I would post this l8er. To get more veiws. Though I am pretty sure you still will, you two are good. Look at mine and compare...
Yea, just go to the Dentist or a docter. They will help, hopefully!
Yep, luvs em'. They look cool exept a few. I will download some and then make my own :)YEY. 5/5.
I made two ships. They weren't perfect, but I think I deleted it anyway. And I want a better challenge j/k. I can't do that stuffzz. :(
Sure, why not, who cares?
This map looks cool. Very small, just enough cover. Though to many power weapons. 4/5 and a DL.
Great, the first looks better. 5/5 if I rated drawings but sryy.
I need to post. I killed "A Hooker1". I will get the picture l8er, I hope its funny!
Not sloppy, great, good interlocked and very not boring. PERFECT though you need more cover and a little more exiting. Also great that you...
Everything looks great exept the pit, kinda sloppy. 4/5 and a DL l8er!
Nice so far interlocking and hills. Looks good enough to post now. Why notzz? I want to DL nowzz. This looks great!
I will EDIT when I am finished with the one I am working on now :) I hope I winzzz!!
Yea you are kinda late on posting that. I am late on that this post was made 4 dats ago. Anyway, welcome to FH!
Yes, this has been done somewhat to many times. Work on a different Mini Game. I am about to post one tomorraw!
Good interlocking, but this defintly needs work on it. 3/5 and no DL, but goof ideas. Make it look better.