I'm 12 and I have no idea what this is. [img]
Wow I wish this thread was way more active. Bears game starts in 10 minutes for Sunday Night Football, should be good.
Yeah no problem man. I should definitely state that in the op, or my next post that if you want the photo in it's original size you can simply...
I appreciate your like in my wallpaper. Here's the original resolution so you can crop it down to what your actual monitor resolution is. [IMG]
I've taken Photography and I definitely have to say that I love the class, and is something I'd love to pursue in as a career, I'm still learning...
"You have just hit the online credit limit for today" You should of seen my face. I came.
Just saw it last night. Shatakai, I love you man. I also love how every statement in your post descriptively examples how great the movie is...
herp derp
I like what you have going here, especially the quote, because I can definitely relate this to my personal life. It also has a nice transition...
In this thread I'm going to try my best to upload one picture that I've taken every day for the next year. If I miss a day, I will simply upload...
Crumb at me, bro.
I guess you didn't catch the reference at all Frag, since you took Mich's and Bro's post as legitimate posts, when mich is trollin you and Bro is...
Hopefully, I'll be able to get some of my pictures from school on my flash drive. I want to start a little project and post it in the gna.
It's what I usually do actually. I just rage so hard so much whenever I go in any other forum section. Bunch of raggot new frogs.
Things that are currently annoying to me. Reach new frogs in general. The entire new post page filled with Reach maps. Reach new frogs who have...
ugggghhh so many new frogs on this site. I seriously should just stop coming here.
Why the hell would you waste your credits on a Firefight voice....
Alright sweet man. Hopefully see you some time on Reach. night
What the **** man. You're better than most current architects/premiums I always thought you were a premium till just now. Also, I might as well...
Linu shouldn't you be an architect/premium?