Smash or Pass. Froghub edition.
Let me kick you in the dome RST.
troll harder than.
You're Carlin Mischgasm? wtf I never see you on.
Orange was like 12 or 13 when he moderated. Also, Grif learn to count. You would be hear for 3 years in December, I would be here 3 years in January.
I derped when I tried to add you on skype, and you were already my contact. I never see you on. You should quit derping so much, and get on moar.
3 years on this frog site in 2 months. I can't believe I've wasted so much time at this dump. Herp Derp.
When Chuck steps he dubsteps. Which is quite filthy unlike my single clean steps. This is most likely due to Chuck's height impairment. True...
inb4 that post gets reported by some one is a heterosexual guy who is offended by your use of gay. trololololololololololol
Chicago Bears colors :]
Mcderpy derpkins
I *** every time I see you. no jokes aside I can't wait to see it, better yet I can't wait to play it constantly tonight.
Crippled Chuck, how does he work?
wtf. I was anticipating hearing your moist voice and watching you and helping you build your epic map. Did you get it finished or no?
Camo baby. Xbox?
baby baby baby oooooooooh
This was taken the first and only time I was able to go outside at my school during class and I found it quite funny. [img]
Just got done fapping to camo's post your picture post.
I think so, I don't remember man... It was like 7 in the morning my time, so I was also really tired.
bahahahahahahahahhahaha frog hair. <3