Hey babe. We should play reach. yeahhhhhhhh also thanks for posting on my bread, I had to edit that post like 7 times hahaha.
This picture is actually taken of me and I had no idea it was being taken: 10/17/10 [img] 10/18/10 [img] 10/19/10 [img]...
Yeah that too, and that's what I suggested to do for like mike, and that worked out just fine too.
My mom just made cinnabons, **** is so ****ing delicious.
Easiest way to get the 30 assists is in Elite Slayer in Multi Team. Charge a plasma pistol at every guy you see, don't kill him, or beat him down,...
Maybe I worded that wrong but I have specific friends that always get so mad, which makes me laugh my ass off, but realistically it's the only...
I don't know why haters are hating but I personally love armor lock and it's the only armor ability I use mainly because it pisses people off and...
I added you on fakebook. Mr. hipster short stuff
I forgot to say goodnight to Camo. So goodnight Camo. I will always be here for ya brew. When I was listening to you argue with your mom, the...
Yeah, that would be Craig Marduk. trolllollolololololol seriously I played every tekken game. Favorite game in the fighting series besides...
Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon were by far my most favorite PS1 games.
Feels good being single man. Women are like magnets, you really don't know how they work.
who is he from or what is he in?
For sure man. Was that your homecoming date? or is she your girlfriend? I would goof all over her no matter what hahah
Ever play the game Tekken?
Well....both you and the girl.
I think I'll just wait till it goes down in price and buy it, because paying $10 to rent a game is just too much now a days... I really enjoyed...
I'd hit that with my **** or a crowbar.
This is a post on your profile.
I don't have any money at the moment, but Shatakai and RST: Is DR2 worth renting, buying, or just passing up?