Joking or not, you still said the n word... And you hated on a well known youtuber.. Then basically say you don't care what other people's...
Welcome to the real world... where people are willing to go to court than pay for their own child's doings (or at least some of it). It stinks...
This is kind of a frustration? There's an absolutely stunning girl at my school, whom of which I don't even know the name of. It's bittersweet as...
This kinda goes along with the last one: Tear leaves of lettuce if you want them smaller, cutting can make them last.. shorter PS random thread...
I know COD people who bought Blops 2 and haven't played the campaign... rarely (or at least more rarely) does that happen with Halo people......
I vote videotape it, as Waterfall mentions. However, videotape him from a friend's car. Leave a message in your car saying "You're being...
thanks, yeah, gonna avoid that thread and most other debate threads from now on. :/
For the record, I felt like you and others were mocking people instead of addressing the topic.. but w/e I feel like nothing ever gets done...
Hermeneutics, you should look it up, seriously (not mocking). Mind games, as in, we're just pointing fingers at each other and nothing gets...
Obviously, there is no end to this madness. Let me put it in a nice way: let's all calm down and not be jerks to one another. Are we good?
A big reason debates tend to be lame on this site (and most other online sites) is that people's massive (and sometimes unheard of) egos get in...
Both my dad and my brother ran a stop sign on their first test lmao
That isn't that surprising, but I guess it's something. I didn't know it'd be released before next christmas, that's exciting!
"I mean, I just want my youtube channel to be like one of them friday nights that you spend with your friends or whatever, you're just sitting...
Random was the wrong word, I'm just too lazy to think about it too much atm. The guy was laughing at: [spoiler] The guy kept bursting out in...
I didn't like the "dumbness" of the story, it was more weird than funny for me. Felt like inglourious basterds but with more pomp and less humor,...
Some people on youtube spend all day doing this, get to like level 100 I only did it cuz I wanted to beat my friend's record which was 27
Relating gun control politics to abortion politics in one paragraph can't be a good thing.. just sayin'
Just saw Django.... and gotta say, was disappointed.. it had its funny moments, but it was too random. Plus tarantino's too obsessed with...
I got to 35 in kino last night, and died when two, yes, TWO zombies cornered me as I was rebuilding windows after the round. But still, I got over...