I really like these, nice work!
Yeah, you can do some pretty stupid **** and get away with it with the right authority at your side. Aka, if your parents are well known, you have...
copypasta: Watches made by Rolex are “Rolexes”, Apple computers are “Macs”, shoes made by Puma are “Pumas”, cars made by Audi are “Audis”,...
They're calling the cops! Put it away! lol
I wish they were more ambitious with this title... I'm seeing a lot of the old..
Legos are awesome.
My mom had me give most of my legos away to the kid next door when I was a freshy in high school :C Don't know what happened to the rest....
I don't have access to LIVE :( Edit: Might be able to get it over spring break! Edit 2: Of course BF3 takes up 8.6 GB alone on my harddrive so...
I thought Drew Carrey was pretty funny. He had a good sense of humor imo. The rest of the three defined the show, so I can't say Drew played a...
Hmm, thanks for the input Neo. The single player alone is convincing enough, and I don't know a whole lot about the map editor (it sound pretty...
You're thinking about it too hard imo. We don't even know if forge will be in Halo 5.. If it is (which it probably will be...), it'll probably...
Noob alert: I've only played a demo for Far Cry 1 and I thought it was awesome. It seemed to introduce splinter cell aspects, which is one of my...
Going off of what Raw said, Halo could be serious and competitive, spontaneous and casual, hilariously fun, etc. etc. It was multi-faceted....
That's awesome, Kuroda, looking forward to the final!
Again, way too much blurring imo. Should erase the blurring in the foreground just so it fits nicely with the depth of the boy. The border is a...
It's probably the upload service.. try using imageshack? Also, not the best place to ask this..
Excess blurring me thinks... try balancing the light and dark with some light on the left side.. You can blur, but not to that degree. Try...
I like it, but it could use more bright areas on the left side to balance it out.. and I'm not a big fan of the border. Good luck on the contesst
Watched Cabin in the Woods. I was very pleasantly surprised by this, I think it's now one of my top 5 horror movies... However: (not a big...
I wasn't a huge fan of GOW3's campaign to be honest. I prefer a short and sweet campaign to a long and redundant "1. shoot locusts/lambents...