No, they're hosting services are down for the time being. They ran out of memory/space, so you're going to have to embed the old way.
Come on Theorem, were you expecting anything less? A magician never reveals his secrets. Thanks, Leeumm. It's funny because I just threw... is down for the time being. They ran out of memory/space and cannot host shots on other sites. You're going to have to embed...
Smaxus [IMG] Sumie [IMG] Shed Side [IMG]
Air Strike [IMG] Celestial Tear [IMG] Chromosomes [IMG] Colliding Elements [IMG] A Need For Balance [IMG] Connection [IMG]...
Haloscreenshots is down for the time being. Unfortunately they ran out of memory/space to support all the screenshots they were getting. You're...
What's wrong with 2v2 Banshee fighting? It would be closer to real air combat, because you can have a leader and a wingman, just like some...
Haloscreenshots is down, for the time being. They ran out of space, so they can no longer host new images. You're going to have to embed them the...
Is this in Foundry? Because sometimes boxes and such turn invisible when geomerging in the back hallway parts.
Hey man, on your "Fragmentation" map post, I saw something wrong with your Sketchup overview. The top left tower has stairs leading up to it, but...
BLUE. Hopefully that speaks for itself.
Sarge, can you please lock this thread? It's just going to turn into another XForgery vs. Forgehub debate, which is something we both don't want,...
Black room with a flare isn't that hard to do. Try to do something a little more original next time, while incorporating a good angle.
Well if you're into mainstream bands then I guess they're ok. Although I do have a MCR shirt xD.
It wasn't a stock. It's a render on a background I made myself. And I wanted a washed out/pale color scheme, so I'm not changing that.
My Chemical Romance? Eeww....
Eh, haven't used GIMP in forever... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Remember to save it as a .png, too.
Well for one, it has been done so don't try and say that it's "not like any of it's kind." Second, from your small description, I'm assuming that...