Glad to see you take an interest in this style. Islands Aloft was actually taken on the campaign level "The Covenant." I got the inspiration from...
Forward Unto Autumn [IMG]
Did you get any of that snow that hit the the Central Valley today? That **** was crazy.
This place needs more people as humble as you, Paper. You've always been one of my favorites and I love your artistic outlook. A rating for this...
Sorry if there were any similarities. I, in no way, tried to copy you. It just seemed like a nice spot to take a screenshot of, I'm sure it's been...
Wandering graves and the skies they pierce [IMG] What matters most is how well you walk through the fire [IMG]
[IMG] Part 1 can be found here. Part 2 can be found here. "A Fragment of Time" is a four part gallery I have been working on for a while. I've...
I have a problem with your weapon-based lighting section. Depending on a map or campaign level's lighting, certain weapons have different effects....
We slept in the stream that night [IMG] By means of survival [IMG]
[IMG] Part 1 can be found here. "A Fragment of Time" is a four part gallery I have been working on for a while. I've tried to widen my range...
Fraps - Screen capturing software CeltX - Pretty useful script formatting software Evernote - Web journal thing. Useful for writers.
I've thought about it. I just don't want to be like every other kid with a camera who thinks he's a photographer. Those kids annoy me very much.
Timing, degree, and conviction [IMG] A place of reconciliation [IMG]
[IMG]"A Fragment of Time" is a four part gallery I have been working on for a while. I've tried to widen my range of "scenic" shots and bring in...
I can't even focus on the video, I just hate his face.
The Boundary Between Both“The deep blue prairie skies caressing the land, with it’s golden glow. Not only gold in color, but in heart and soul as...
They took "The Union: The Business Behind Getting High" off YouTube. I think it would be a great source to use in this thread. I don't want to get...
I'll follow this new trend, I think we need more writing here. I'll be posting a few of my short stories here every now and then. If you want, I...
Seeing this thread might make sense..
I made this Portrait for the pro UnLegit. He sent me a message saying its sick and put it in his fileshare, i thought that was pretty cool. It...