I figured out how to make your avatar laugh, get dissapointed, and pound his/her fists in anger! Hit Left Trigger + Right Trigger + Left Button...
Jellybean Inc. is not impressive. It isn't original and I can tell that no one would play the map correctly. And even if they did, it still...
It wasn't fun playing versus and having 4 tanks come at you. Along with 30 witches. Not my kind of fun.
Honestly, that sucked. Nothing was funny and it was way too predictable. Try agai- no wait, you probably shouldn't.
They just made a patch to fix this on dedicated servers. Whoever did this mod is a complete retard and deserves to go burn in hell.
I've ignored my hatred for LG in posting this comment. I have to say that I have been dissapointed in the Casual Map section here at FH lately....
He started the first game of the season. He threw like 2 completions and 4 picks in the first half. Spurrier finally got out of his stubborn spell...
Oh my gawd. Amazing. I can't believe how un-fufilling my life was until I watched this video. My life now has purpose.
Looks okay, I guess. Nothing original at all, but it looks nice.
We should beat them, but if Spurrier decides to start Smelly, then we are ****ed. One of our QB's, Tommy Beecher, doesn't want to play because he...
Oh and by the way. We are playing ****ing Iowa in the Outback Bowl. What a crying shame.
I hope Florida wins. SEC doesn't really need any more street cred, but I'll take it :P Good luck!
How would flat-earthers explain lunar eclipses? How can they explain that it can be daytime in one area of the world and nighttime at another? You...
I hope you can handle the high powered air game Oklahoma will bring to the table. I don't care who wins, as long as Tebow doesn't win the heisman.
Bluejay's fosho. The most random and overall best one. All of the others aren't funny in the least bit.
Your paper was good until the last paragraph. You pushed your opinion a little to much, unless your teacher doesn't care. You also made a few...
This is nothing like Blood Harvest at all. It doesn't resemble any of the levels in Blood Harvest, but that doesn't matter. It looks like you...
"You should watch something decent like films or documentorys (Spelling) about Space, the Earth, animals, important things, World War 1 & 2 and...
Knock on wood.
I am also thinking of getting this game for the holidays. I have played the demo a few times, but I don't know if I will like it in the long run.