'Canes cause waves. Waves = Great Surf. Warm is better than cold, IMO.
Pineapple Express Sex Drive
Or, you can be like all the other scene kids and look in the dictionary for a word that not many people have ever heard of! Oh, but wait! Make...
QFT. I tried to smile, but no.
Hardest game ever. Took me like 2 minutes to beat it.
I have a few: ○Lost Planet ○Stranglehold ○AC (As the other people have said in this thread, repetitive) ○Gears 2 was a little let down because...
I got: ♦$ ♦Clothes ♦iTunes $ ♦A collection of every CD Bob Marley has ever been apart of ♦Not really a present, but I saw the Celtics play a...
Lame excuses. People get multi's like that more than you think. Just because you don't, doesn't mean that he has to be host when he does.
It wasn't matty's montage?...if that is what you were implying.
ur not a pro cuz u dun use bumpar jumpar. real proz use bumpar jumpar. Jk. Pretty good montage. You had some pretty decent clips in there. You...
1. Onslaught 2. Ribcage v2 3. Castalanche 4. Tunnel Rats 1, 2, and 3 5. Haunted Chapel 6. DK's Jungle 7. Interrobang 8. Rainbow Road 9. Halo...
It was pretty good, but it will never be great unless Robert Plant is singing.
Quite possibly one of the best montages made to date. Thanks for posting this!
See Frag Man, nobody likes you. You make ignorant statements and make a mockery of yourself. Ontopic: I didn't think it was too funny at first,...
Not until January. I need to fix a few things and get the video done. Probably sometime around Jan.10th.
GTFO. I searched before I posted. No other threads about this.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvjDr8KKtsE It made me laugh.
Nobody likes *** man. Not a single person.
Who is this again?
That is a great quote. I might even sig it...wait. I'm warned and don't have a sig.