Can't agree more with pretty much all of your videos. Keep it up. *thumbs up*
And the lesser man resorts to insults to try and redeem himself. You are showing your true character. I hope that when you sell your xbox, you...
His idea wasn't dumb. You didn't give him suffice information for him to give you the best advice. Just GTFO.
Who are you telling someone what to do with their life? He can watch whatever he wants too. You are making it seem like you are better than him...
By the way, I have some dirt on you. I shall use it for blackmail one of these days :P sell·out (s[IMG]l[IMG]out[IMG]) n. 1. The act of selling...
You totally stole that from Scott by the way. Glad to see you migrated from those other crap websites to the best :D square
I didn't play Halo 2 because of the stupid glitches that people exploited. I don't use glitches to be good at a game. It is sad that some people...
People, don't watch the video if you don't want to waste six minutes of your life. Take this as a warning and go do something else. Leave this...
So, you don't want to obtain the skill it takes to be good at H3, but you would rather use some stupid glitch to be good? You would...
I stopped reading after you said you have been hunting...
Get Left 4 Dead. It is an amazing game. If you like zombie games, then you will love Left 4 Dead. You should also get Dead Space. I am getting...
Neutron -Aimless Ant A suprisingly fun and well built map to play on. Hyperborean -evan12075 Normally, you won't find me playing on an...