Argue my ban? When was that a factor in the last few messages? The only reason you banned me was to shut me up for a few days... If you somehow...
Jimbo is starting to seem like a wannabe mod. Why the **** would I talk to him? I do tell people that you are corrupt. I would make a website to...
That second paragraph was just bullshit that you made up on the spot. You removed the quote from my profile because you didn't want people to know...
You proved that you are corrupt by the following statement: "I could infract your for nothing, if I really wanted to." Give or take a few words....
That isn't even half of it. All you need to know, is that Insane54 is corrupt.
I personally like the pink.
Really long story. There might be some remnants of it in my conversation pages. Just go a few pages back and have a look see.
Made fun of Insane54 and some other odd things here and there. My infraction list is like over 4 pages long.
You can get two unique weapons from the DCS. You can get Jack (the Ripper) from a dead Enclave Scientist and you can get Vengeance, a unique...
You just aren't that bright, are you? If you would have watched for even more than 30 seconds after I told you, then you would have realized that...
Nice job pulling statement out of your ass. Marijuana is NOT addictive. It has been said to have the potential to be "habit forming," but...
Ignorant statement. Weed isn't addicting.
I know I will enjoy Dead Rising 2 a lot more than L4D. It will have TONS of more replay value. L4D got boring after playing all the campaigns 20x...
Be careful with what you say. You won't get any sort of message across if you act like that. The only reason I acted out that one time is because...
"Gub-Mint"= Government. Like a southerner would say it. Like I said, abuse of powers.
I wouldn't put it quite like that. I just think that Insane abused his powers and proved that there might be a hint of corruption along the ranks...
2/28/09. I got an infraction worth 10 points from Insane for "Insulting Another Member." It was a profile infraction. I think 10 points is a...
lolwut? If you are speaking of my "Mods=Corrupt", then it is the same as it was...? I mean, at least Insane54 is.
Unbanned ftw!