I watched the trailer all of it was just terrible but I almost cried when I saw he brute. I almost killed myself when for no reason it randomly...
No not even that specific just why? Why would you even think of making a animated movie/show out of anygame. Ive also heard about samurai elites.
I dpn't see the point because there is no new forge based maps.
First one is best, second looks good but is used alot still a good pic third is alright.
The last one is the best. Have you gone to the sscreenshot guides yet?Screenshot Guides - Forge Hub- thats the link.
I agree great screenshot If you don't mind can you tell me how to get that effect.
Makes a good sig Don;t know what the effect is though.
n last resort you know those little window like things by the beach in the walkways i jump in there, not the best but it can work. I hate when...
Killball makes to much noise and looks strange with effects on, tin cup has some intresting uses and so do the lights I hope they comr up ith...
Oh I remember now, at first I thought you were talking about the waterfall then remembered the begining of that highway mission I think it was.
If youre talking about me Matty I know that and they will probably have some new forge stuff they like to add new things each dlc.
Is that marine missing an arm?
I know it would be better if it was actually as the name suggests bungie's favorites instead of community ffavorites yet they still call it bungie...
Thats what I thought. And whats with the black bar on the bottom of the first screenshot?
so one person stands in front of whos shooting and then in theater you go inside the turret? It was a little confusing.
i like revolution. The first two are to bright it's to much.
realised that after I took these thanks for the advice .
Can''t wait to see where seems like something they would've put in an H2 map.
That looks Amazing.