Why would you want to have that many non real life friends anyway.
The story was great I've heard that the sequel kills the story so I won't be getting that but at the end did you wait till the end of the credits...
Youre the one who made the thread all you have to do is make a couple clicks to gaming discussion and I think the other one is in general chat you...
I did something simmilar to the broken banshee thing but it was accidental and didn't move. cool glitches though Im gonna go practice that.
thos should get :lock:because Congratulations you fai;ed to notice the atleast 2 other threads about this.
This isnt really a debate but rock and metal for the anger some of it has to some of the good times music alot of variety more than what I...
Nahh I don't even have gold right now so but still the way the charge us for everything I want some cash back.
I want to be refunded for my lost time damnit.
damn you I want to know the secret. jk my favorite is ambient ( please tell how you did it)
We get this next month right?
Blink 182? seriously how much do I have to hear about that overated pile of ****. Anyways Van halen is good but I don't know if I could just play...
MLG is terrible for the exact reasons mentioned, the people who play it are usually overcompetitive asshole though I have met a few nice people...
*may contain spoilers read at own risk* So I just finished it who else played it and what did you think. Yeah I know just finished it I got into...
about a 20. I just play it occasionaly because I suck and just want to play for fun/
Thats ok im not even sure I did it right Im not good st msth.
i like the first one I've never seen that effect before.
lol wut to bad it's not loading right for me I wonder why.
Or that could work to you would just have to make the ustom power up stats be the normal stats and it would be just like a health pack. By the way...
I have no respect for you just because of this.
You could raise the damage resistance maybe and just leave out recharge.