It feels like there is to many random crates and what not sorry but I've seen alot better work from you before.
I just realized I haven't really mad that many friends here I just talk to anyone who willing to talk or whatever.
You could go onto machinima stages if the machinima gets well known you might get recognized yourself just a thought. I really wish the good...
It's illegal under 16 I think
Sephiroth Sin - FFX
Final Fantasy XIII Kingdom Hearts DS Halo ODST Kingdom Hearts PSP Halo Reach not in any specific order
Like the others said make a new email and use it to make a new 18+ GT and use that gt to Download stuff.
I like the look of this It has alot of intresting structures and the walkways makke it unique. I like how its asymmetric I think Asymmetric really...
paradox ftw!!!
Navi We all want that ***** to die yet that little ****er just won't go away damnit. If you ever played ocarina of time you'll understand this.
I don't like how they are going to ruin it with equipment I'm gonna make it where its just like it was in H2.
I'vve ever only noticed new members disrespecting new members but for the most part this is a friendly group.
Ok cause I was looking at it and the price was iin dollars not M$ points so I didn't understand if I could use the points or not thanks.
Le Halo3 edition I don't give a damn if If I shouldn't of opened it cause it was LE I wouldn't have been selling it anyway.
For the games on demand can you use M$ points or only a credit card?
????? what?????
I know most things I do if not all are somehow for myself.
???? never heard of anything like that before.
youre xbox avatar is it a clan thing?
i remember I retried that part several times til I got it right Don't know how i messed it up at all seems so simple. I intend to play this game...