Actually there is a huge resemblance. While the architecture of pretty much everything was changed, the general layout is still there. The only...
Second to last image. Sorry about that man, for me it takes only 5 seconds or so. I can't help but photoshop everything :P Shhh! They wouldn't...
... ...What??
1st one: I don't like. 2nd one: Love it. The whole disintegration effect on the car looks really neat, and works well with the flow baby baby...
Umm, which pictures are you talking about exactly. I can't properly address your question at the moment....
Dude, you're so mistaken. Get 'cho facts straight. What difference does it make? Regardless of what was considered to be 'the better armour' in...
Haha, no matter what your opinion is on it I'm alright. Thanks man.
^ What he said. If you think it's bad how it is, you should've seen how I originally had it, be grateful :P
I had a lot of requests for a tut on this sig so.... [IMG]
Haha, thanks man. I actually had a lot of compliments on the border on other forums, same goes for the proportions. Ya' know, not everything has... flow? Sad faic....
It's been a while since I've photoshopped anything, I wanted to pick it back up. 45 layers. [IMG] Stock:...
Awww, that brings a little tear to my eye ;) That's so cool, mad props to them. That's because H3 and Reach will never be as cool as H1 or H2 :/
I think you're going a bit far with 'hate', but I definitely don't like it as much I thought I would. Regardless, it has it's moments. I see no...
I did, said the little red Multi.
It seems like it, doesn't it? No, it doesn't play out like that. Most people are in the center-ish of a territory when it's captured so you end up...
Halo 1's was very good, Halo 2's has so far been my favorite, easily. It seemed in Halo 3 they took everything a step back, it seemed a lot more...
For those of you complaining that it shouldn't have been full price, Bungie already stated they wanted to let it go at 40$ but Microsoft forced it...
I doubt there's any specific software that's used for clothe designing. Just get any other graphic software that's decent like GIMP (free) or...
Go urban! Paradigm! Woooooooooo!