You'd better run little man.
Waaat? On XF? What did you do?
u r a good liar; evriyone is teh frayd of le' banhemmer, evin mawlty
Thary! Ur a kool gui who dusnt afrayd of anyting.
It's the roflcopter on wheels!
I did that when I was cutting a bagel :[ I split my thumb open.
Halo Reach went gold a few days ago guys, meaning a master copy has been sent to make duplicates of it. They're not adding anymore AA's. After the...
I made a good few changes to Theta and played a couple games on it :P
Can everyone here agree that Sandbox' geometry (as in Crypt, Mid Level, and Sky Bubble) but with Foundry item textures and map theme would be...
People are going crazy over your preview man :P
Bah, it's not a huge deal. 4 pairs of teleporters is plenty enough unless you're trying to do some mini game, in that case well I can understand...
This is really a very good map. It's probably one of the only Judgment maps to have really no camping spots (or at least ones that prove to be...
I'm so confused.
Just tell me when you take the shots and I'll go to your Bnet account and take them from there myself. As for the theme, normally I just make it...
I'd say yeah I'll do it :)
Seems like your college advice is limited to the college you attend personally. I just finished my freshmen year of college and I'll be the first...
Bahahahah, true dat. Hey dudes, if Halo 3 couldn't kill Halo 2 or Halo 1, what makes you think Reach will be able to kill Halo 3? I mean, just a...
45 layers, 0 gradient maps, 0 C4D's. Focused a lot on color and lighting. Without Text [IMG] With Text [IMG] stock [IMG]
Don't put two weapons in the center period, if you really insist on it then put which ever is better on bottom. However you realize as long as...
Bro your sig is amazing :P