Ohai dude, just stopping by t say that you need a new fb pic.
I was Boxybabee IIIIIIIIIIIII Ebay and a few other people, i forget, but you helped with the house.
Demon fire twinz Me and the people i played with also bought the biggest house in the game. All thanks to hide and seek. and sixpack*
The music made my day
Hasn't the temperature only risen about 1% over the past 100 years or something like that? I have no source, just going off what I've heard before*
I already got the 1000 kills with the CG and AC130 so i just finally put the nuke on last thursday, im at 8 right now and once i get the last two...
I saved them till the end. Its only the first timers who jizz when the symbol pops up.
I just popped off 3 nukes in the last 7 games, thats what i call a winner.
Dude i just dropped 2 nukes and i cant even walk straight, haha these kids sucked.
Any gun works if you shoot in bursts, and since the AK is so powerful it can also be a long range weapon as long as your not holding down the RT
Everyone complains about the harriers and gunners killing them again and again, yet noone will ever switch to a class where they can shoot it...
I like the first picture better, due to the fact that the second one just looks like a close up view of an ODST with very high contrast.
Or if he has horrible connection it might just jump him to that screen in order to try and fix it. Its obviously something with his connection...
It could just be your connection.
Silenced Tar Fall camo Striker (shoots much further after the update) 2 Stuns 1 Semtex Ninja Pro Stopping power Pro Seight of hand pro Predator...
I've learned that if you add "little kid" at the end of your sentences they become a lot more effective. EX: Wow, shut up little kid I bet you...
Im pretty sure that in this game you have to actually be looking through the ACOG scope in order to get the challenge. You cannot simply spray...
Seconded. But also, why cant you get gold? Even without a job you should be able to afford about $4 a month.
Omg i used to play this game, and even though it did cost money each month, and take up all my time, i loved it. Maybe ill start playing once i...