hey guiz
So your avvy pretty much has the best body ever
Thank you, someone who knows what their talking about, and i only say that its biased in the Halo vs CoD threads so you might want to read around....
No im asking, are you back for good? Ill change my avatar if you dont want it there.
Idk its been there for months, and i hardly come on this site anymore. you back for good?
Thats reyn.
Its human nature to involve. Just because monkeys did not eat meat does not mean we should not. If you guys want to actually go something about...
That's a waste of money. Its a video game, not a gaming system.
I would probably lock this due to it turning into a flame war. Were on a halo based website for god sake. Take this into a CoD forum and watch...
You asked what everyone thought about your video, but then when Bloo replied you got defensive and disagreed. Make up your mind, do you want...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUl9_5kK9ts YouTube- sweet lemonade!
Read the comments, theirs no way it was not set up.
Ya most times all you have to do is take out your ID and show it to them, the camera's at the store are not high quality enough to see the details...
Do i need to mention the fact that were are on a Halo based forum? halo3isoverforme
Who are you to say that $15 is expensive for every 16 year old without a job, and every university student? Off-topic: I'm only 17, and jobless,...
They look much cleaner if you embed the pictures with a nice title and description if needed. When you don't embed like the site says it just...
k. But were the best, hands down. **** haters
Welcome, and for being 17 you should already know the basic rules and whatnot. Also, if you learn how to type correctly you will be much more...
You did good for your first post with everything such as Links, Pictures, Descriptions, and Weapon lists. I also like the idea behind you map but...