Got to 7th a few months back and decided to stop so i could be 70 for most of the events going on. Haven't played competitively for a while but...
Inception is one of the better movies i have seen in a while. Also watched Dukes of Hazard today, when jessica simpson was hot.
I actually havnet played in a long time. I joined a while back but im on CoD now a days. I have no prob with halo, im just over it for the time being.
Im back due to college, but who knows. Im glad FH is still active, and that were slowly having world domination...
Ill post it im wayyy above colored. imagray speakingofgray I cruised this car today. [IMG] Im pretty sure i want to steal it now.
I was here when they deleted the picture thread but we still win. I dont play halo so its prob not a clan in game.;)
Im glad to see SCF.N. is still going lol. whowouldathought
YouTube - Lil Wayne - Office Music (The OfficeHustler Musik Mash-Up) YouTube - Chiddy Bang - Opposite Of Adults (HD) YouTube - Chiddy Bang -...
I heard loyols got reset, about time. Whatcha gotta do?
roothless toothless. You should be a pupil in the SCF.N. group also, i heard were still thewin
Im back for a little hah. Grats on purp, i smoked purp ironic. lol jk
I got a perm infraction over a year ago and i was wondering if it ever clears. I know its perm, but ive been told that they go away as long as the...
Im glad your all cocky because you know a few facts about Halo, and that you would like to stand up for it...But this has nothing to do with halo....
Samesies broo
Do you guys remember how to bbcode a mp3 file? Im looking to add it into a website but cant find a good place to host it.
Magnaflow 16759 2007-2009 Caliber 2.0L Exhaust readitinwheat
I have returned, just to inform everyone i finally got my catback exhaust today