Cool map but I have seen alot of these teleport copies.. 2/5
dude dont even worry about this comment. We alll know that you cant make a real bunker in none other then a video game. Great job. 4/5
Ill make a hole in one. i will go into forge and carry the soccerball into the hole. no lol jk but ya great map. 5/5
hey whats up?
I could see some cool pics done in theater in this map lol. 5/5 good job edit: yay first post
Its a cool paintball map. love the cover. 5/5
instead of the chopper in v2 I would put in a ghost because ghosts can easily be put down with the right weapons.
Hurts my eyes. and I can hardly see a thing. the humans must only survive for a couple seconds. 1.5/5
Sounds like a really cool idea but from the pics I can hardly see a thing.
Sloppy map but great idea. Make everything stand better and add more aesthetics in and you will be done. 5/5
The start point is really cool but reminds me of the old roller coaster map that got featured a couple months ago.
No where the truck is just for mere aesthetics.
Wow this reminds me of the old fat kids map. I will have to dl later. 5/5
Great map that looks like it took alot of skill. great merging. 5/5
cool doubles map. I could see alot of pwnage on this map lol
Cool race track but enlarge your pics on a photo hosting site please.
I like the structure with the four ramps. really creative and nice work. 5/5
Seems like you just through a bunch of junk together and called it a map! 1/5
Only the top two pics work and from waht i see the map looks really cool . 5/5