This looks great for stuff like 2v2 or something like that, but one issue I would deal with is the fact that there is practically zero cover along...
Welcome to Forgehub! I recommend that you read up on the posting instructions so you know how to embed pics properly. Linking them straight from...
This map can be described in so many words, most of which being clean, beautiful, awesome, I'm hungry. Maybe the last one was just me. The fusion...
Alright, I DLed and looked over in forge. It's pretty sweet, with a few minor bugs. Some places are a little out of line, and can cause your map...
This is a really nice map. The layout is amazing, and the fusion is great. One issue I would address ASAP is the fact that this map doesn't meet...
Pardon me, tex, but I didn't do this just to bring light on how mods decide to put their own map forward for featuring. This way the community...
I look at the features right now on the front page, and I realize that most ofn them were created by mods, staff, or loyals. I was thinking, "Why...
Your pics are not working. What you need to do is save the images off of to your computer and use a file hosting site like...
I'm hungry now... This map deserves to be featured not only because of its sheer epicness but because it is one of the most innovative maps I...
This map is really cool, and it looks almost like a map i built, called Munition. However, this map is a lot less linear and offers more ways to...
I like this map's layout, and it seems to have good flow, but it needs interlocking done in several spots in the map just to put it up to par....
Weapon balance is out of the question (cosidering there is only one weapon on the map). What this map needs is an actual layout. So far, all it is...
I love the layout and ascetics on this map, the fusion ain't half bad either. The floor fusion looks very well done, but in some areas there are a...
This is a really cool map. Though you would want to have a mod move this to the MLG thread, as this is an MLG map. I would add a little cover to...
This is really cool. Definitely one of the best Blackout maps I have seen INCLUDING the floating platform maps that don't use the map geometry. I...
Alright, this map has a few strong points, but they are overlooked due to the lack of neatness. Let me explain: Most walls I see in this are not...
This looks really nice. some cool looking gameplay elements and I like how you created an infantry map that seems to work smoothly with vehicles....
I like this map, but one thing I would try to do is merge the rocket bridge further in to the underlying structure so that there isn't a big crack...
I like what I see in the pics, problem is, I don't see much in the pics. Use, it will automatically enlarge your pics for you....
This map made meh puny brain hurt the first time i played it, and same for all of my friends. Great work, Buddhacrane