Watch Read These should answer all of your questions
Orly? I think that most of these are effective, efficient and useful tactics. When I used to actually play halo, I was a Colonel Level 3 and and...
The first conquest map I've seen on Orbital. You get style points for that. When I heard the description for Orbital I immediately thought 'Omg...
I have read this story for English class as well. I like your thinking, and I have to say, I ROFL'd all over myself at the beginning when I heard...
This map is what I like to call SYE (Simple Yet Effective). The idea is fairly simple and easy to imagine, but effective gameplay wise. The only...
Bookmarked. I'll surely make this the first thing i download once i get the Mythic pack. This map is certainly as good gameplay wise as Kentucky...
Sandbox is probably the most anticipated DLC map for any game out there. With so much forge capability, it offers endless potential for amazing...
This map caught my eye simply because I had to do a science project on Beryllium. The map looks like it would support good gameplay, but there...
I just played a game of COD:WAW team deathmatch where I went 41-9. This is the highest score I have ever gotten in a single game. The...
Looks like a pretty good CQB map, with a little hallway conquest style fighting going on in team games, but the pictures don't give a very good...
I think I know what you are talking about, and I think someone did something in forging 101 on this topic. Can't remember their name though,...
Hey guys, So ever since I got a Cap card for christmas I've been working on some stuff for, and this was the first guide...
I like the map, but I think I've seen something like this before. You should really cite inspiration/elements of the map that were copied from...
I can live with it. I go to an all boys school, which kinda sucks, but has its advantages. You are less distracted with members of the opposite...
Proabably one of the most creative MLG maps I've seen. I love the overall design of the map, yet it still has that old competitive MLG feel to it....
IMO: Cod: WAW is the better over the series. They are both amazing games and definitely set the marker for other games to achieve. I prefer Cod:...
The most satisfying medals for me to get are splatters, special sprees (sniper spree, shotgun spree, etc) and multi kills (GRIFBALL FTW)
I'd have to say Zach and Mirni make a Porno. Some of you may disagree, but most of the "hilarity" in this movie was crap jokes and akward...
See, the thing about people referencing "Noob" tactics is just them finding something that is easy enough to do with little counter. The Plasma BR...
I like the look of the map, and the layout seems to flow well for FFA games, but this map looks easily escapable. Unless Foundry's soft ceiling...