I love the layout! You should enter this map for the next lazy mapmaker contest (real contest, not an insult by any means). For a map without...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_UyP4qb6-0 I hope I embedded right.. I saw this a while ago, and I seem to never be able to forget it.
*Guide Updated
I takes someone with low morale and high ignorance to break the law. When someone breaks the law, they do not care of the consequences and assume...
Hmm, let's see: A great, all knowing, all loving being in the sky who can perform miracles who is only experienced by the preachers who convinced...
I read it in Grade 7. It reminded me of the movie, "The Island." Obvious differences being that they were clones of rich people instead of a...
I cut my chin open, three times. In the exact same spot every time. When I was four I fell off a chair and cut it open. A few years later when I...
You realize these products have a factory warranty on them, right? I would try to get them replaced by the manufacturer ASAP. I don't play GH very...
Hey guys, This will be my first full-length video guide when it is finished. I'll bump this thread as I update it. Guide I hope that it's...
A multitude of things: I began work on my COD:WAW Veteran Guide, it should be fully completed in a few weeks. I bought myself a 32' TV for my...
I watched about a minute of it and i think my IQ went down about 3 points. (this will inevitably be chirped by the next ten year old who reads this)
Duh, the Gravity gun turns anything into a weapon. ^_^
just use the gravity gun on them.
I could help out a little, as I too have been working on a NZ project. I have already thought up some ideas that could work, but mine is still in...
However, you do not need the y cables if your TV has RCA out jacks. They look like the standard RCA jacks, and are marked by the word, 'out' on...
First time for everything I guess. ^_^
Wheelin'? HELL YEAH! Completely worth 1 demerit. Unfortunately, I cannot do this, seeing as I go to an all-boys school. Not to say I do not get my...
Noob: Noun (slang)- any novice, unexperienced, or generally unskilled person at anything who doesn't seem to know what is going on around him/her
Now, the only problem I see with unlimited money glitching sandbox is how you would move the objects between levels. I do not have the mythic map...
As I said, I'm a hard marker. ^_^