I really love your current style, it's far superior to anything else being done rite now.
Remember that thread were everyone talked in lyrics?
When Im sad, she comes to me With a thousand smiles, she gives to me free Its alright she says its alright Take anything you want from me,...
I wish I was like you Easily amused Find my nest of salt Everything is my fault I'll take all the blame I'll proceed from shame Sunburn with...
We passed upon the stairs, We spoke of was and when Although I wasnt there He said I was his friend Which came as a surprise I spoke into his eyes...
< Iz scared.
Hehe... I take that back, you scare me.
I think I like you.
Happy face
Being up in the mountains is best for me. When my family takes their annual trip to Yosimite i'm in heaven for a week. I like the air quality, the...
The c4d is too obvious for one thing. Your colors are also a bit off, I would work on finding two colores that 'mesh, better. Also, when doing two...
"Now remember kids, always divide by zero." "What's zero and what's divide?" "Just shut the **** up and remember it kid!"
Optical drives are coming from my current computer, I already have a massive case that everything should fit into, and I have mouse, moniter,...
^ Someone failed 2nd grade math.
What are you talking about?
If she likes you, she will ask you out, simple as that.
Can I put my flash drive in your USB port?
UPDATE: You no longer are limited to just sigs, any art is enterable.