So, your going on something your friends told you? Personley, I don't think you should have voiced your opinion since you haven't played both...
More like the French offering to take our trash in exchange for some low class american immigrants.
This thread reeks of noob. I may work on this later, if I have time.
You only get one life in this gametype guys! April fools!/0 Oh shi...
No offense to TBH, but i'm trying to become more experienced here, and I don't think THB is ready to run a shop yet. Once again, TBH has every...
... Be willing to let me help out with their shop? Id'e like to get some more practice (and less boredom). Obviously you can see my work in my...
Go rent King of Kong, and smack yourself for that retard statement. Games today are too easy on any diffculty.
Unless someone else is willing, than yes, this is dead. No one gives reviews. The way I see it, if members of the community are too lazy to write...
He used the original song. It's from an old videogame.
Anything on Atari.
I'm in love. I don't know why or how, but I am.
Vault Variations and never before seens [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Made by request [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
So, I was bored, and thought id'e post my sig collection. And by collection, i mean i'm including sigs that have been made for me and obsure...
Hey, can you do name changes?
Nice name. Welcome.
Hari His lloks much more professional, C4ds look great, size is perfect, and looks good despite not having to much done to it.
It's done in anime style, therefor it is anime. And, if you want to get into technicalities, anime is short for animation, so it doesn't matter...
Avatar is anime, just crappy anime.
I would say that text is your biggest problem. I like your use of colores and perfect sharpness.
Well, It's none of my business. If you don't want to judge, it's fine.