Okay, you certainly explained some things better, I can see were you are coming from. I might play, but I'm still going to be wary of these rules.
Even with additional rules, there are still hundreds of pages needed to really describe all the stats you need to run or play a game like this.
I have several issues with the system and the OP. First off, your adaption of D&D to Halo 3 is heroic, but not at all realistic. The basis of D&D...
Probable only wild pokemon. Pokemon could do dark, you would just need to change the graphical style from anime/manga-ish to a more realistic...
Not like that, but wild Pokemon could be killed, the storyline could involve darker elements. It's limited, but a more "grown-up" game is possible.
Eh, I might buy the DSi for HeartGold and some other series, but I won't really be pumped until they make one with all regions from previous games...
Eh, my school is decent, about 1600 students in the Highschool. The area I live in is upscale, so our school is filled to the brim with preps. I...
Custom characters, but that's not happening. I actually think the setting sounds amazing, Louisiana is scary as ****. The city is also overused...
Japan is aiding us, were the official occupiers.
Whats wrong with the text? Oh wai...
800 PSU is alot, you probable only need like 500. What you picked sounds good, i'm not an expert, but it still sounds amazing.
You guys need more help than I do at the moment.
When the **** did Kyle Reese take the jump from awkward Russian kid to baddass terminator killing guy?
Cool, thanks.
Enslaved our people for thousands of years.
I'm not attacking Canada or Japan. They have done nothing to me.
ireland will stand alone!
I'm in!
Come on, no one else could possible comment?