I would spend a little on a new car, some guitars and instruments, and parts for a decent computer. I would put aside 100K for college, and put...
I usually suck at drawing environments. I can do it, it's just not really my thing. However, I would consider trying it for a while until I could...
Probably, no. EVERYONE I know want's to go into game design. I think there will not be enough positions for everyone to get into the industry. In...
My friend had over 1,000,000 Lbs. of stored crap in his house, it disappeared. My friend plays an unarmed char and keeps literally EVERYTHING he...
Could be, it was like 3 years ago. I remember it used green cards. BTW It was a ravenica deck.
Duplicate cards effects do not stack, so no, that shouldn't work. However, my friend once found a legal way to get an endless amount of 1/1 counters.
It's a great TCG because it alowes you to create and endless amount of stratiges and there are more cards for it than it's ever possible to...
[IMG] [spoiler]
This update sounds really cool! I can't wait for games on demand and new avatar options. Personally, I think they should re-format the xbox to...
That's a good question, I assume that the effects count as activating at the same time. Something similar happened to me in a game yesterday. I...
Magic The Gathering For all of you uneducated heathens, Magic: The Gathering is a TCG made and produced by wizards of the coast. The game...
I really like the colors, but you could do something to make the BG more interesting. Good job.
[IMG] Pretty much what I expected. Basically, I think every person should be more important than anything else, however I do think government...
V2 is up. I tried making it sharper, while still fading out the edges. Thanks for all the help so far!
Yeah, I just noticed that myself. I'll probable go over it with blur tool in V2.
Natural Selection: A wallpaper I just made out of boredom. Version 1 [IMG] Main problems with V1 in my opinion are the lines on the render and...
Thanks guys.
So, I was fooling around in GIMP, and I accidentally removed the "Dockable dialog box" from the tools panel. Basically, I can't change the...
Eh, I still think you should use D20 Modern or D20 Future for this... ... Personal opinion. EDIT: First off, GMs will most likely be people that...