The left of the signature, completely to the left.
Wow, great theme here, I like what you did, maybe in the reflection put the tiger in it a bit more.
Wow, this looks great, and L.A. Ink is an amazing show. I like this piece Lax, just the effects on the very left are a little out of place try to...
Thanks Lock! Yeah defaults get you a lot more than people think. I havn't touched a C4D for the longest time.
Not really in the mood for a battle, maybe later. Looks better but now it seems too dark in a lot of places.
Same tools, I've seen Gimper's use the tools via Teamviewer and they are very similar.
Looks alright, I like your use of photo filters and maps if thats what you used, for effects I really can't see any bold effects, try putting a...
I used a render and a stock, so I doubt you have a wall paper of that exact image. Thanks, I will get make the border a bit thinner. I will...
Np, lol.
Went at another go for anime: [IMG] I liked doing this one.
Thanks Lock! Your name is in one of my answers too btw, for inspiration and stuff, you and Zerosun got it for inspiration.
Yeah they are fun, oh, do you have MSN? I use MSN for file transferring, and doing collab's via Email is too much of a hassle, I might just...
Lock, amazing work, keep it up, we should go at a collaboration some time.
MSN. Here is mine: