What exactly did you do? And the text stands out too much, try again with it. The signature is really dark and the right side looks like...
Not a huge fan of this one, the lighting is really confusing because of your effects and the text just doesn't seem that great to me, and the...
The bright white spots.
Nice sig, kinda too sharpened in some areas but looks good. Lighting is off but nice text, lighting should be above his head. Not a big fan of...
Message to all posters in cnc thread: We will not be very active until sunday because icecikle is going away for a few days trip, anyways what...
Looks nice, but his chest is really glowy kinda draws me to that, I like your effects and nice text.
Post it so I can quote it.
No text looks better, just keep with the colours of the signature.
just msg me on msn, and il answer questions and stuff.
Lmfao, don't worry man, I'm chill, just I must have typed it with a serious face.
Where have you been?
I like the first better, but your text could use some work, it really doesn't fit in very well. I like the bottom one better, the colours flow...
I've noticed it when I put it on FH, it looks a bit nicer/less white washed in the program, I will add contrast and upload a second version....
Lmao, next time Ice.
To be honest, I didn't want to have the image of making people smoke, but I didn't want to put text like "don't do it", so I just put "SMOKE"...
Thanks, but I've never seen this stock used, ever.
Made this and I liked it: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I think I might go borderless and change the text.
Yeah.. uhm, there aren't any viruses.
Alright MSN is the best lol, btw here is my MSN: aereon_18374@hotmail.com
Personaly I like it better now. Just make the border like 50 times smaller.