I highly recommend talking to an experienced friend with working with the program, it helps a lot more, or tutorials. I had a lot of help for the...
Lol, nice try, blurring is there for depth, and I am using it for my own personal desktop lol.
Lol, the top one can be used in some random ways I suppose, but the second is fully just for aesthetics by it self. Thanks for the rating lol.
Wow, the top one is nice, love the colours, the effectrs, the light, the text, very nice work loshon. The second is not as good in my opinion, it...
I just got this program like 2 days ago, so far made this: Shiny Metal Discs by ~HellsRequiemAMX on deviantART Evil Robotics by ~HellsRequiemAMX...
Lol, nice, you should work more into abstract, or get into detail a lot more.
You should add a light source, and do more effects rather than just putting C4D's on a canvas, also text could use a lot of work. Nice work...
i dont forge.
Lol, yay I get 2 right off the bat woot.
Not really any flow going on there, I see you're starting to work with your text more, but that's the logo so it doesn't count that much lol, and...
You clearly havn't seen hardcore GFX Forums lol.
Really small bro, focal blends a lot, and text is bleh. Yup, got you at GFX Heaven :D.
Looks good, just not feelin your text, keep the light on the right side of his helmet.
Hmm interesting, that would be like the CnC Guild lmao... But seriously, I think that CnC should be harsh, speaking generally here, if you can't...
Wow, trippy animation, that's a 9/10.
6.5/10 Colours are very monotone, not a huge fan of the text and too many clipping masks.
No offence, but I think an artist doesn't care what the "people" want to see, they make art, and if soemene doesn't like it, then too bad for...
No one cares. Yeah, you're wrong.
Looks nice, but I hate the text, nice effects though, but maybe tone it down a bit on the right side. Really plain in my opinion, work on more...
Looks great, a bit monotone but I like it that way, maybe make it a bit more vibrant on the apple, other than that nice work.