YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Thanks... And wow, 52 views, no comments? I'm never posting work here again.
Lol, it's like the only way man.
Eh I can't believe I made a Halo tag lol... Anyways the game looks great, just since everyone else was making one, I said heck, why not. [IMG]
Just go to youtube and type in what you want lol, I did that for most, and I had a buddy of mine link me to some, but the video tutorials are much...
Spam doesnt really matter in the gfx area, no posts count anyways, Terrax, not bad for your first few, you should look for some basic tutorials,...
Start working with lighting, and HDRI's, it makes it looks real with HDRI's and nice lighting.
I do not know what you did, but the spartans quality is very very nice.
Pretty nice effects but you should fix up your lighting and change the border, text could use some work too, and the render looks a tad lq :/....
Yup. Cinema 4D Lol, thanks, and I am not very good yet I am going to make more random robots then I'll think about recreating things like...
Lol, go get this program man, you'll love it.
Here are 2 new 3D pieces: Restoration Robotics by ~HellsRequiemAMX on deviantART Boredom Bots by ~HellsRequiemAMX on deviantART
Lol, don't want to sound greedy, but I would never give away artwork like this... Generous contributions from these awesome members, you people...
Nice work Lock, and quality of an image isn't tough to get perfect lol...
Awesome work Justin, the meaning in your work really puts a positive and strong vibe out, keep up the work man.
right side is really empty, the effects seem a bit repetitive, flow is nice, lighting could use lots of work, and it seems too bright, add some...
Thanks Frag haha. Text is not fun to change in Cinema4D lol...
No the last one I had questions answered when I didn't know how to acesss something.
Fully by myself: The Protector by ~HellsRequiemAMX on deviantART
I learned how to put shapes into the canvas, and how to manipulate them from him, he didnt direct me on making that piece though. He helped with...