Alright man sounds good! Do you play much Xbox anymore?
School starts for me next week, but I'll have school, football then gym, everyday for 3 months so Idk how I'm going to survive :P, yeah but like I...
it's been wayyyy too long D: whatsssupp mann?
LOL I knew that would be completely random, nice to see you're still graphic designing! I've lost Photoshop cause I got a new computer and I...
The depth and the soft feel are just gorgeous! IMO a wide screen border would look great on that.
Epic work, KIU. @ForgeHub GnA: You guys really only care about sigs now don't you?
Looks epic, can't wait to see it completed.
As in, I do no want to give CnC anymore in it lol.
GFX Heaven - A designer's Heaven You should drop by some time, :P
It's dead sir lol.
lmao. Have any of you actually MET bloods? Some of the people I know are bloods. Well my area is a blood area, just a bunch of streets down...
Looks pretty good IMO, just if you wanted to hit the depth perfectly you should unblur Wikus, and most of the shack.
Best movie ever so IMO looks nice just the lighting needs work xD. If you had Photoshop I could make the lighting for you like 50 times easier...
Lookin nice, just remove the glowy effect and make the text a bit smaller.
I don't want to bum out this entire topic but. No one really cares who has what signature, a signature is a signature, if the person wearing the...
Why would you guys crop the left side? There are effects there...
Colours are off IMO, and focal could b eshow a bit more, and teh white effects on the left are a bit distracting. B&W is too dark and your sig...
racist. not funny.
Lol, SOTW is the only thing I'll post for :D. Serif Fonts FTW. Thank you. I'll fix that when I can, thanks. Thanks, eh the right adds depth...