I'll give you a clue. It starts with 12345.
If you can guess the number, I'll stop posting VMs on your wall.
I'm thinking of a number between one and one billion.
Duck, what r u doin? DUCH, STAAHPP!
Hahaha, that image was like that... but is said; MERRY angrykitty.jpg KISSMYASS
I'm watching you... Like a hawk!
Fix it - YouTube
I have a pm for you... clear out some inbox ASAP.
Ah... well, there are some people who genuinely do think their maps are the bees-knees until someone gives them some criticism and they turn into...
That's a rather bold statement... Judging by your testing and your acknowledgement of small issues, I'm under the impression you're aiming for...
LD... Your services are required. Sincerely, Manbeard.
To answer your question
Grenade indicator is bloody backwards... I want to know where the grenade is... not which direction I need to run. So many times I've ran into the...
HAHAHAHAHAHAH I WAS WRONG!!! THIS IS THE GREATEST KITTY VID EVAARRRRRR!!! watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWcak9tZupc&feature=player_embedded