You've changed the colours of admins to a golden colour!
It is if you tap shot it, rather than go guns blazing... Use it like it's a BR with no scope and you kill in 6 bullets with damage boost. Plus,...
Needle Rifle? I don't think I've ever picked one up in H4... I'm lost and confused now? Anyway... I thought this was your top three weapons as in...
Dewd... I was instructed you could obtain a full unlocked version of FL Studio for me and Chron? :3
I need to make decent maps for that... and that is something I hardly ever do!
Congrats dudes. I haven't played this yet, but it looks like I should.
LOL! I was going to say... I didn't know you'd bought one. You should buy one though, and be less **** (Y)
well... that was a short stay.
^ what **** said. I don't really use the corridors for much other than a large white flooring... but I find these are really, really useful for...
On the contrary, the Dominion barricades are much more to scale as any other piece would be. Regardless of textures, which are all horrible really...
Hahaha chron.. I love you so much for that message. It made me LOL
Haha, yeah... that model has a boyfriend now, he's a unit. So that won't be happening... I'm not going to jump into anything with this other...
Ohhh Majorr win sauce <3 yeah dude, I was hungover and needed the hangover wank.
ta-da Halo 4 Amazing Electro FX - YouTube
You could post it on in the mean time? I still want to actually play it as I don't think we've got a full game on it yet :(
Nah, sorry dude. Just keep retrying with the extractor, and make sure you run as administrator with everything (ctrl+shift+enter when opening...
Lol... it didn't. I wanted to Forge it with someone so they could help me on aesthetics and piece usage so I'm not just doing the same stuff I...
I wasn't particularly too impressed. The video seems far too dark for me to really see whats going on in it. I'm not sure why the video is a...
Obligatory Welcome message: Hi Jon, welcome to Forge Hub Obligatory be a nice dude: In case you missed the rules, Here you go!. You wouldn't want...
I hate mods like this. Why cheat and hack and break the game for everyone else just so you can go around and get easy kills? It defeats the object...