The same reviewer hates Oldboy.
"I never cease to be amused by the pile of unmitigated crap that gets shoveled off onto the moviegoing public by pretentious critics. They’re at...
They get a completely separate stick that just happens to be nowhere near as good.
I doubt it seeing as the map was mainly for CTF, which 343i seems to hate.
Last season sucked pretty hard even with Dan Harmon (not blaming him, of course) So now suck x2.
Can I be the jerk in the team? 'Cause that's an important part of the team's success.
It will get them the exact same amount of time. As opposed to Call of Duty, which is just three guys sharing one laptop.
I don't care if you're long lost brothers, just stay away from my man.
Holden is my friend you better back the **** off.
I forgot this was the "Universal Recently Released Music Thread" thread. I should have posted it in the even more universal "Music You've Listened...
Grimes - Oblivion - YouTube
I remember when I was the hero Forgehub needed. I remember when Chuck would laugh at my things and stuff.
Finally Minecraft has omni-directional land transport. [IMG]
[IMG] [IMG] New mic.
I misspoke before, I meant Cawk Patrol, not Cawk Blawkin'. Cawk Blawkin' is obviously too old hand for people to get into, but Sumo Hogs? Rocket...
All I read is "Why bother to elevate the standards, people eat Grifball up". Instead of an interesting VIP or Territories based gametype, we get...