In the next two pages of this thread Xx Overkill VR, who seems to have gotten an early copy...
Thank you. It really does, considering the purpose of object co-ordinate aligning was to have objects lined up perfectly (which worked out...
I bet if we went camping Chuck would forget the marshmellows. [spoiler]
I feel like been able to drive the vehicles instead of being limited to the other seats would have put this map over the top. But at least you can...
If you line up to objects with the magnets, and it doesn't go squiggly-tardsville after you save and quit, I have no problem with it. We haven't...
The Forerunners didn't believe in vehicular transportation I guess. Slayer Pro would be the only gametype without sprint. [IMG] What?...
A) Yes and B) I think it's a fair enough word usage. I didn't like Reach terribly, and Halo 4 definitely takes after Reach. There's a gaping...
Would there would be a problem with that? Halo 4 isn't Episode IV: A New Hope. It's the ****ing Phantom Menace. It isn't a Halo game, it's the...
I very much doubt it. Checkpoints, spawning on mongooses, laps, speed, respawning on the last checkpoint, e.c.t. If it include all those and they...
In the video he mentions reloading and weapon swapping happens faster in Slayer Pro. I guess they think Infinity Slayer will attract the people...
[IMG] It's pretty much impossible to build a decent map using most of the budget with walls and floors made from forge objects without...
Get the Tron Suit. It'd probably go well with those working lightbike replicas you can buy, you rich, rich bastard. The rest of us have to think...
I'm thankful that you released the map now, considering the level of enjoyment that can be had on it, and the amount of people that will play on...
I chastise all magic sky people equally.
Considering the Reach population, no-one gives a **** about objective anymore. I guess instead of a lack of decently designed maps for one-flag /...
" thing you guys might notice is these cool purple volumes. They are grav volumes. So they'll affect anything from players to physics crates...
Ding-dong-del. The game has been leaked, pirated, e.c.t. Video leaks will be released through the next few weeks. And so begins the leaked...
Multiplayer on a wholly separate disk, and there's not enough space to include a map that is just a flat field with green grass and a blue sky. I...
Cover your ****ing eyes Chuck. Don't you watch Grif's or my video Chuck. The Newsroom - Sex and the City Scene - YouTube