I will have something up tonight that I would be very happy if you could test the map. How are you getting the maps?
statues and torches. forgehub. enough said. Looks pretty neat.
You have to pay me royalties to use those. I used those on that one crappy map in that is in my crappy thread.
Brute Plasma Rifle>Plasma Pistol Plasma Pistol is OP based on the map. Whoever is spawning a 4 shot brute shot at 90 seconds should think about...
Not at all.
give me one day goat. I'll show you something broken. also a map without ramps.
I am really hoping to see something crazy come out of this contest. I hope someone answers the call. A good portion of what I have seen so far has...
I have not done anything with switches but can you turn teleporters on and off with them?
@Stevo I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree. Reach at the end was still better than anything 343 has done since. ZBNS was...
I would rather they fixed mcc and abandoned halo 5.
I wanna test the team thing more but, SKB was pretty confident about it.
The BE staff.
I know using a teleporter system creates team weighting. SKB and myself have been testing it a little bit. We will put the spawns in a box with...
Quit ****ing watching me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For campaign you have to make sure you actually set the timing or scoring because it won't work even if says its on when you start. Then just...
I think you guys are over thinking vertical assyms. a bit. True vertical assyms. can be fickle bitches, but all you need to really need to worry...
Zombie just make sure its clean. So as long as the map doesn't make someones eyes bleed your fine. @chunk I have two complaints immediately with...
If you feed me. I will give preferred treatment for sure. If you don't I will crush with my gravitational pull.
The game isn't halo anymore. That is how sprint is justifiable.;)