Even if you get Bungie Pro now, you won't be able to use the service until it comes out officially. Right now it is just a Beta and only for...
1. Invisible walls? 2. Shipment can't be done in Halo, unless you could make it Call of Duty 3. Comparison Picture, the boxes are on Angles [IMG]...
You have no ranK?
_\|/_ 180-110-90-70-0
Corrupted staffz!
But, Nitrous already told me/everyone about what theories are, maybe you should go back and see what to missed.
Why not? Earth has inhabitants but, Venus and Mars are still planets.
Ahhh what are you saying?
But, if God was perfect, he wouldn't be lazy.
I dunno mine talk to me and tell me to do bad things all the time, so I naturally dislike all Ear muscles.
My mistake... Coccyx, Plica Semilunaris, Appendix, and all muscles in the ear.
We are more perfect, but not because we have Apendixes and Tonsils lol
A puzzle piece is not perfect, but the complete puzzle is, I think is what he means, though I do not agree.
If god made us perfect, but we do not see ourselves as perfect, means we perceive perfection differently than God does. That means that since we...
Contradicts your last 3 posts, please explain.
But, God is perfect so he would already know what the result is, and if it was just for ourselves to learn, he could have created us already...
So essentially God made us for some sick game/experiment to see who would rise to the top?
In red and RRain, stop being so Xenophobic, it's not helping this debate by just saying no God created everything, no God created everything, no...
Wow it was a metaphor, not supposed to be taken literally.
Even though I disagree with you about almost everything, your sig is very clever >.< :)