I love how I can't even see the embedded screenshots and I don't want to look at your fileshare?
it's Coneman NO!! The sequel 5/5
You're not an Atheist you're a Satanist then... it's like saying "I like this picture of Budha because it isn't god, because I'm an Atheist, but...
got 54 on der Untoten, and only 27 on Veruckt >.< I havn't played in a while or downloaded the 2 new ones yet
I like your style
Did he just throw a knife in that guy at the end? gogo Goldeneye Knife Fight mode? ps. zomg post 600
Tundra is good, they should just get rid of Stand off the worst map ever created.
100% have for me... who would actually submit a positive review lol? I know I havn't
The first Halo, the flood scared the **** out of me... maybe because I was young then... whatever.
You're stupid he remade the original Map "Lockout" Bungie remade Lockout in Blackout Mickraider remade Lockout in Blockout wtf is wrong with that...
PIMP and the greatest thing ever created.
I herd u liek being on the Blog and being interviewed :)
ahh wtf Army of Two doesn't come out until Winter '10 :((((((((((super sadface(((((((( Well anyway, Firefight in ODST looks amazing :)
Wow, that's all I have to say MS Paint God - CollegeHumor Video [IMG]
"zomg I look like a dinosaur, and i'm so unique and everyone LOVES ME, and generally players like me are way better!"
Float boxes under the crane, Place the box you want to merge with it on the new box-platform, Brace it, but keep the box platform and yea, well...
Yea well, blah [IMG] [IMG]
Hysteria, he was amazing at Meadowlands, even though I don't like their team at all.
Welcome Newest Member
Lol you make a lot of threads