Sarge you should do more write-ups xD congratz on the feature btw
That's disappointing, I was expecting something that would actually offer some play time for a featured map, especially the first featured map....
[IMG] This, or jetpacks, or gravlift landing spot (works better than you would think actually) etc. etc.
C'mon I bet you could do it. Making long posts is easy xD
Well it could be considered a mini-game, so don't fret, but you should realize you spelled Octagon wrong. As for the map? It's sort of like a...
Straight to the point, because I know 70% plus or minus a few of you won't read this, so without further adieu, I present to you a Jump map made...
This, from what I see, is more of an aesthetic map than a Slayer/Casual map.
So if I heard correctly, it will say you as the creator of any map made using this canvas? -.-
Well, I've seen 2 threads in a row asking how to retrieve things that drop into water, and I bet there's more, so instead of having to "Delete...
Then build is smaller, only partly out of rocks etc. etc. If you can't take criticism don't post here, if you're not going to spend time on your...
I know you die, b/c I can read, but why should you die for what should be hitting the roof on a good Grifball map
I'm 100% sure it was because, after getting all the Credits and such, you never connected to the internet to show the logs online that keep track...
And you go straight out the roof...
So, like under 12 players it would be a complete massacre, over 12 players it's a complete massacre with a very slim chance of success? It's a...
Damn I played Spire 3 times in a row my first three games, which would be a bad thing, but that map is SO ****ING good
ughhh, I was about to post before but saw YoYo was viewing the thread so expected a lock, well I guess I will now Because we are getting a flood...
Don't post until you know how to post screenshots, follow this link to figure it out.
sigh, I already said I made that tower to see the other guy helping you make the tower, that's why I deleted it all after, you're so annoying
Alright, but I definately wasn't trying or trolling at all. I admit I did somethings that could be considered griefing, and I won't anymore, but...
I did one swastika on the bottom of the floating house, and that's it, you can ask playahata the huge towers and the hole was just defy, but w/e...