Well after listening to the show for who knows how long I decided to make a Mac widget for the Dashboard. I've submitted it to Apple's Download...
HAWT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wDE9XpmDHE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnNggWitLF4
Hey remember that little Bungie guy used in Halo 3 ODST? Could someone make a medium sized image with him with thumbs down and the text "Fix Your...
Well today I noticed one of my controller's "A" button felt stiff and I decided to do something about it. Before Forge Hub and Achievement Junkie...
Could someone make me an image with that bungie face thing that has been going around that says fix your spawns. That would be coooooool.
This is one of the many reasons why we love Halo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWTbZ3Rbm54 watch it in high quality
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrtm6vGDeqk Awesome
I love to think about odd questions of the universe and would love to here your theories on this one. Time Is the past changeable? Is the...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo2NAQ7-DFc Dude this is so tight looking. I recommended going to You Tube and watching it in HD.
Ok as you know I'm a very big Mirror's Edge fan. And for those who don't know runner's vision basically turns things you should use red. They...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r0tjWNOWd8&fmt=22 Its back baby! Be sure to go to the actual You Tube page and watch in HD
Who doesn't just love Achievements (or Trophies if you have a PS3)? Here's how to get the Mirror's Edge Bag Related Achievements as presented...
No it is not Portal, its Mirror's Edge. I love this song (well not this version, but this version is ok)...
I just got a beta code to it. I'll give you more info when I get home.
[IMG] The Forge Hub Toolbar is a nice little toolbar that allows you to listen to podcasts and iRadio stations. It has a chat system, an email...
Hey could someone make me a cool profile page? I would like it to be Mirror's Edge themed. Which could means a lot of white and primary colors.
You know what it is like to play matchmaking. You have an option to veto, but you have no idea what will happen if you do veto. Sometimes you...
Well as you know the New Xbox Experience will be hitting you November 19th. So I was wondering, is anyone looking forward to it? And of all the...
Both extreme Obama and extreme McCain supports have made some pretty extreme claims to what will happen if the other is elected. This video...