Sorry, I don't rate maps that I don't play.
It's an arena-styled level..
CrunchGear Archive PAX 2008: Video runthough of new Halo 3 map, “Assembly”
Oooh!! Pretty!
Finally Felipe and Debos get their map featured! I remember when this was still in map testing.
If you want even a small chance of your map being put into Matchmaking: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Honestly, the Far Cry 2 map editor is not that great. It's great for consoles, but on PC games, Crysis CryEngine2 has a much better map editor....
no u Serially, Avalanche rocked and and it's my favorite Halo 3 map.
I love it! Dark > Bright any day!
DLC BTB will still retain all BTB maps (Sand Trap, Valhalla, and Last Resort). Don't just make assumptions.
There is a group called "Lower the Guns" or something that wants to try to get everyone not to play Halo 3 on 9/25 because they want Bungie to...
Most map editors already do. But most those games (Crysis) have bad multiplayer.
I used to play it and I was addicted. I quit about two years ago I believe. What did they do to the game? Is it any better? I'm not considering...
Has anyone even heard of Sandbox 2 in Crysis?
Best console in-game map editor ever. Forge is nothing compared to this. Sorry guys, it's true. However, the game needs some great multiplayer...
What do you mean? In this video: The Hidden Masters pissed off four players to amuse over 200,000 (I'm...
HLG does it for the lulz.
BUNGIE Favorites should be chosen by BUNGIE because it's stuff that BUNGIE favors...
Forging becomes better every day.