Eh... do the latter. gives me more artistic freedom and I don't really want to have to download 50 different clips either :P Just tell me what...
Reaaaaly looking forward to this and skyrim :) gonna get both on the PC probably. Actually, does anyone know if the game is a PC to console port...
Eh.. I don't really play xbox anymore sorry.
Just out of curiosity, did you completely rebuild your ship or just fixed it up a bit? Regardless, I can see you took my suggestion from your v1...
Having every scene fade to black wouldn't allow for syncing which is what (IMO) really sells map videos/montages. Fade to blacks are appropriate...
This is a video GodlyPerfection(AZN FTW) requested recently for his Affinity map. Since the map's not posted here(to my knowledge anyways) I...
Congrats Grim, well deserved feature :)
I just don't like Reach dude :/ I'll get back to forging (or maybe video games in general) in the future, though more than likely with the next...
Dazzle DVC 100's usually sell for I believe $75 at the least at most retailers like Futureshop or Best Buy depending on which edition you get(I...
Good work as always bud, it's seeing maps like these that make me want to get back to forging though I probably never will d: Did you change...
From past experience, giving the zombies increased speed and sprint(makes it harder to kill zombies as humans) but also give them the element of...
I honestly don't see what all your hate with the Hauppauge is about. You probably bought yours off of Ebay or something. As long as you get the...
Do you know if safe havens are fixed too?
Pretty much what RPAL has already said, but you should really practice not shaking the camera so much while the camera's flying around(e.g....
*disgusted face WoW?! as for the map if you don't want to do it that's fine, but if you end up finishing it, i'll be done my finals on the 19th...
are you still forging that one competitive map you have? I feel like making a video :/
Brigadier... though my brother was the one who ranked it up to that grade from colonel grade 3 since I don't play xbox or video games in general...
Most people would probably need a little bit more detail and I'm honestly quite confused as to what you're trying to accomplish but the obvious...
whatever you need. Just know that my schedule's been a bit random recently :p
^^^ He means left thumbstick :P What I like to do is use the left/right bumpers to get the object as close to where you want it to be, then ya...