No, go onto pinnacle's site and find the driver for it. If i recall correctly you'll need your product key. EDIT:...
have you tried updating your drivers? and not just from the cd; you actually have to go onto pinnacle's site to find the most up to date one.
SUPER video converter converts the video file lol. It works pretty well but if you're going to use platinum pro anyways then you don't really need...
Now I'm not sure if this is the problem you're having, but to the best of my knowledge from past experience the program you're using to cap, which...
i just redeemed it.
Wow, if this is the kind of brilliant content people are putting out now then I've missed a lot. I don't know the mechanics to the gametype but...
sorry, i've had finals for the last couple weeks. i'll see if the code works and try to get on tonight.
[spoiler] I don't much like chief's new armor, I really wish 343 stuck with Bungie's Mk VI design in H3; I thought they had it nailed down...
CORY hey bro.i havent sold my xbox yet. just my cap card. once i get through my finals i'll be able to get on again. i might have some time this...
My only gripe with your minitage is that in the beginning clip (0:02-0:06), you shouldn't start if off with the clip at a pause and then in the...
so I was planning on doing getting on today to check out Dream On, but as it turns out my AV cables aren't working anymore for some reason :C
That trailer was amazing, though I hate the fact that it made me so pumped for Skyrim and the release date is still almost a year away D:
I agree... though you can't really expect everyone to have an HD camera handy all the time lol. Government: Try to decide what to do. General...
I honestly don't know what to think about the Jerusalem videos. I do believe that we aren't alone in this universe (likely even this galaxy), and...
Protip: don't hit floating explosives if you're standing ontop of them. I really like how this one turned out man, granted the last time I saw it...
well for sure you'll need to have a wall or something underneath the ground to hold the vehicle up so it doesn't fall underneath the map and have...
Eh.. not anytime soon, sorry. I've sort of kinda stopped playing videogames :P
Alright then, send me the clips soon so I can at least see and plan.
Actually, you might have to belay that... I'll give you a couple options as to what you could do and they're totally up to you but a personal...