It's free! :D i'm so incredibly hyped for the open beta. i'm leaning towards NC despite their ridiculous name. I've always been more partial to...
Anybody played the batman games yet on pc? I'm so tempted to pick em up with the last bit of cash I have left in my steam account but I refuse to...
yeah i've noticed it's a lot easier to get money in fots. like in regular shogun 2 i wouldn't upgrade all of my keeps to hold more population and...
yeah I have FotS. i haven't gotten to play online with it yet cause i have a pile of other steam games i bought during the sale that i'd like to...
yeah man, steam ID: Rifte
I think I'm done buying games now, I've spent prolly north of 50 bucks and have enough stuff to last me a while. I'm tempted to get Killing Floor...
Bought Deus Ex HR for $5 and the Shogun 2 complete collection for $15 the first day,and then KotoR the following day for like 2.50. I missed all...
any way to view multiple games at a time? if you have to hit "next" for every single game in a list of 100, I'm just not going to bother.
You gotta have the expansion as well to play. soz :l anyone wanna play at some point in the future?
heh skype is terrible IMO for online gaming, I prefer teamspeak :p last night a couple people and I found a guy in the middle of electro on his...
Alpha. Not even beta yet, mod's been out for barely a month; bugs and crashes are pretty expected for now, but regardless the mod has SO much...
Matty, if you use the program on the site six updater, it updates the game automatically, downloads the maps, and gives you a list of servers to...
DayZ - The Survivors - YouTube Official Mod Site So for those of you who aren't in the know DayZ is a mod for the game ARMA 2, and for lack of...
Anyone else watch The Last Of Us? Holy ****, easily the best thing I've seen so far, probably more excited for this than H4 or Watch Dogs. The...
Weeeh **** it, thought I'd be over console gaming by now. Looks like it's time to pick up an xbox before H4. EDIT: also, dunno if anyone else...
why thank you kind sir.
Anyone else with BF3 on pc ever had a problem with the game freezing every 5 minutes? can't seem to find a solution to this :/ EDIT:fixed it by...
the first time i bought a bunch of gems they wouldn't transfer to my stash until the third or fourth buy; now i have a bunch of extra squares i...
anyone else buying gems at the auction house? they're dirt cheap there. Lvl 33 DH, a little ways into the first act on nightmare.
Rifte#1352 level 20 I believe on Act 2. Man oh man this game is awesome, wish I had more time to play :x My brother also gave me his old gaming...