Bungie.net : Reach : Game Details This match? Those guys aren't that good, definitely not pros. All they do is stat-pad in Objective matches.
Pretty sure all the stats acquired previous to the cut-off date will be preserved. Just like with Halo 2. Not the files.
By the way, No Bloom + No Sprint is a godsend.
Soooo good.
Amazing match. Incredible start of Classic, too bad Ola messed it up in the end. Would've been crazy if he managed to pull that off.
Jesus Christ, these breaks are so long.
Sounds like every day Team Objective to me.
They say it will be gone for a "shot period of time" but they also say they will bring it back in "the summer". Summer can mean a long time from now.
I'm not saying it's wrong to killsteal at all. I'm saying I don't like that kind of gameplay. That's why I dislike playing and watching FFA in...
Halo 2 FFA's were just as terrible. It's a 'who can killsteal the most' competition more than anything.
FFA is so boring. Splitscreen only makes it worse.
Too mainstream? wat
You posting this live from the event Snipedown?
Jump-Rope, Indiana Jones, Crash-Up-Derby.
Have you ever thought about replacing those two bunker smalls that are connected to the roof in the middle with a bunch of circular ramps? They...
There's a shotgun on the map?
I have no idea who this is.
Custom Server browser in Halo 4. That way there won't have to be any playlist for shitty minigames like Grifball, Living Dead and Rocket Race.
Rocket Race belongs in Action Sack. It's a casual minigame and nothing else.
It shouldn't be in a playlist with entirely different kind of gametypes.