After making checkmate something just felt unfinished it seemed that no one really wanted or had the time to play chess so now i give you Tic Tac...
well your really just playing chess in forge, i guess you could cheat but it would be kind of hard, dont you think?
Re: Millennium Falcon lol just for that i forgive you ish :squirrel_giggle: still angry but ill get over it
Re: Millennium Falcon wallofflame thats exactly what im doing with the colors but only only hard part is giving weapons to the rebels and storm...
this is my map Checkmate and it is used for playing chess and can only be played in forge the board and pieces are half covenant and half human...
Re: Millennium Falcon thats what im worken on with the infection gametype still has some issuses because it feels more like slayer than infection...
Re: Millennium Falcon Naylz you've insulted me and my map for no reason you've embarrassed yourself by even comparing our maps you have...
Re: Millennium Falcon hey Naylz, see dude ppl just like my map better so deal and stop crying, sides im an artist so i already know its good i...
Re: Millennium Falcon wow Roxas it looks nothing like the falcon get a life and stop talking crap about my map
Re: Storm the Beach *BNG Fav* yeah attacking is a lot more fun then defending with a lot of ppl its such a rush
good times
Re: Millennium Falcon yeah theres a star wars infection gametype in progress ill post when its complety done :squirrel_evil:
Re: Millennium Falcon lol
i love this map....with rockets
yeah theres alot of stuff that has to be done if ppl want to actually play like ctf and assault but im a little busy working on a new map and...
ok insane ill see oyu later
i know already, its bad but I myself really cant do much else to it and ill be worken with the weapons and stuff it's still in the works with a...
i will admit inter locking was hard for me because since i was the only one who made this i had a hard enough time getting it to where it is now....
This is the Millennium Falcon it took me countless(aka 14) hours to make this map from its first version to what it is to day it has been...