Map Ashes: Ashes to ashes dust to dust. 8 to 16 players Download: Ashes Supported Gametypes: Everything, even girfball not that you'll ever play...
I know Ive been for three years I'm back, Ive been trying to catch up with you but it seems like you only exist in the shadows, and no I'm not...
While Halo Reach broke new grounds with forge world it was just so aesthetically displeasing compared to Halo 3 that I quickly lost any interest...
hey shock its Mags I know i've been absent for the last four years and a lot has changed since then but im looking to recommit myself back to the...
well Im glad to see that FH is still up and running and im sure well have good times like we used when reach ships.
I gotta update everything, havent been online for like a year ish and im currently xboxless but im going to try to get a new before...
Sir this place has changed alot since last year
Cool to see this theirs a few around would you mind to make a tutorial for it?
it doesn't work all the time a few of the towers will shoot through, found out the hard way
also the map has been moved to the featured forum and replaced millennium v2 so here's the link for that if you want to read the kind words of TDF...
nice well done considering that ppl only make 1 helm not 2
I tried but the best i could come up with was a a barrel,weapon holder, and receiving node, which looked like sht, and had i made it, it would...
defiantly great for 2v2, I look forward to playing it in the future
you think it would be wouldn't you
it reminds me of that fireplace from home alone
wait.....I inspired someone holy **** my life is complete
<3 now ony if there was a way to get Duel of the Fates theme song to be played in the background
i know its been done before because i was the first person to make one and this is my third and its been improved greatly since the first